
For my last form of emerging technology I decided to break down and make a facebook.
I've never really done anything like this and I thought that it would be difficult, but it was probably one of the easiest things I've ever done online.
Facebook, as I'm sure everyone already knows, is a way of communicating with friends online. You share all of your information with the people that you know, but may not talk to on a regular basis.
I thought that setting facebook up was very user friendly. It walks you through step by step as to what you need to do in order to sign up. I didn't really care for the site itself, however. I think it's so plain looking and boring. It doesn't really appeal to any part of my personality. I thought it lacked that creative boost that myspace seems to do so well with.

Here is a link to my facebook:

I think that the setup of it is really simple. You just go to and create a profile. The site takes you through a step by step process to set it up.

1 comment:

Brittany Pyatt said...

I like how you pointed out how dull facebook is. It definitely doesn't have the same appeal to be able to express yourself as some of the other social networking sites do. Your site looks great though!